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Product benefits

Learn more about CPR

Entenda melhor o produto e os passos para efetuar o registro na B3 



Agribusiness drives Brazil's future. In seeking to contribute to the growth of this sector, B3 offers facilitating solutions to the financing process of its supply chains. The Rural Product Note (CPR) is currently the main instrument for this, allowing its issuers to obtain funds for the development of their rural products or enterprises.

The CPR is a bond that requires mandatory registration with a registration entity or central depository authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil. B3 is the country’s main central depository. CPRs provide credit to rural producers or companies engaged in production, sale and industrialization of rural products.




1. Registration and account opening: To register as a participant with B3, you need to submit some documents and information, such as a copy of the Brazilian identity card (RG) and the individual taxpayer register (CPF) of the officers and admin users, for example.

2. Secure connection with the B3 environment: At B3 information security comes first. In this step, you may choose to use the Double Authentication Factor or a private communication channel, known as RTM.

3. Register CPRs with B3. After your account at B3 has been opened, you can start the CPR registration process in three different ways: using B3 system’s screen, via file exchange, or API.







  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    No catalog changes

  • Main systems

    NoME platform

  • Main related functions

    No functions impacted

  • Certification roadmap

    No impact

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact