Fee reduction
The reduction will enable new trades and strategies for those who trade the IDI option on specific days or who do not trade large volumes.
The reduction will enable new trades and strategies for those who trade the IDI option on specific days or who do not trade large volumes.
Read further about the index and the derivative
The One-Day Average Interbank Deposit Rate Index (IDI) is an index adjusted daily by the One-Day Average Interbank Deposit Rate (DI) calculated and published by B3. The Index has a theoretical value at the creation date of 100,000 points.
Options on the index, therefore, are similar to instruments widely used in international markets to hedge against interest rate fluctuations, such as caps and floors. Click here to read more.
(i) Implementation of differentiated pricing for IDI Options UDS, granting discounts to those wishing to trade Options strategies on B3 through the functionality; (ii) Simplification of the fee structure model for single legs.
Date of availability to the market
Catalog changes
No catalog changes
Main systems
No systems impacted.
Main related functions
No related functions.
Certification roadmap
No impact
What is the Sinacor version?
No impact