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Funds as REITs increases the visibility and credibility of FIIs and opens the door to a flow of foreign capital, increasing investment opportunities.

The initiative increases the visibility and credibility of FIIs and opens the door to foreign capital flow, increasing opportunities for investors, who now have access to a more liquid and diversified market. Providing regular income through attractive dividends, the initiative represents an opportunity to expand investment strategies and maximize returns in a safe and efficient manner.

Furthermore, the improvement in the governance and transparency of the funds generates greater trust, allowing investors to make better-informed decisions. They now have access to a more robust portfolio in line with global best practices, which will contribute to sustainable and sound growth of the real estate sector.

MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) is a global financial analysis company that provides indices, data and tools for institutional investors. Founded in 1969, it is known for its stock market indices, such as the MSCI World and MSCI Emerging Markets, which are used as a benchmark for investment funds and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) indices track the performance of real estate funds traded on exchanges around the world. They allow investors to be exposed to the real estate market without the need to buy physical properties. MSCI offers several index variants, such as the MSCI World REITs Index and the MSCI US REIT Index, which reflect the behavior of REITs in different regions. With these indices, asset managers and institutional investors can compare the performance of the sector and make strategic decisions based on data.

MSCI REITs indices are used as a benchmark for investment funds and ETFs, allowing diversification in the real estate sector through liquidity and transparency. B3 applies rigorous methodologies to select the REITs included in its indices, ensuring representativeness and alignment with global market trends.

GICS is a sector classification system designed by MSCI and S&P Dow Jones Indices to categorize listed companies according to their main economic activity. The system is widely used by investors, fund managers and analysts to structure portfolios, compare the performance of companies within the same sector and conduct market analysis. The classification is reviewed periodically to reflect structural changes in the global economy, such as the growth of the technology sector and changes in consumption patterns.


  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

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