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Interest rate and currencies

Product benefits

Leveraging the Development of Brazil’s ETF market

Fixed Income ETF BDRs are securities issued in Brazil backed by ETF shares issued abroad. 

B3 is the only market manager in Brazil that offers ETF BDR trading, settlement and custody processes. 

To issue Fixed Income ETF BDRs, the foreign index fund manager must sign a contract in Brazil with a depositary institution which will be responsible for issuing the BDR. The depositary institution, in turn, must maintain an account with a custodian abroad where the securities used as collateral remain deposited and blocked. 


ETF BDR taxation is the same applied to local Fixed Income ETFs with a regressive income tax table depending on the average time to renegotiate the ETF. 

The Fixed Income ETF BDR structure is the same as any ETF BDR and seeks to reflect the variations and profitability before fees and expenses of fixed income indices, whose theoretical portfolios are mainly composed of fixed income assets from different countries. 

B3 offers the environment for issuing and redeeming shares in the primary market according to the rules defined by the depositary institution. Furthermore, Fixed Income ETF BDRs are traded in the secondary market with T+2 settlement (up to two days) via multilateral netting. 


Fixed Income ETF BDRs are traded on the PUMA Trade System, a platform that brings together several functionalities and unique risk management and operational excellence to trade safely. 

Launched in August in partnership with key market managers, the portal brings content, tools and functions that provide investors with up-to-date information about ETFs, while promoting market knowledge and sustainable development. We welcome companies interested in participating in this project. Learn how to be a part.


  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

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  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
