03/11/2022 First Corporate Bond ETF BDRs launched at B3 BLQD39 and BHYG39 help expand Brazilian investors’ access to U.S. Fixed Income securities
02/17/2022 International Fixed Income ETF BDRs Now Traded on B3 We are launching six ETF BDRs that seek to track fixed income indices comprised of US sovereign bonds
02/08/2022 2022: B3, its roadmap and the importance of client centricity Content based on B3’s 2022 roadmap.
01/07/2022 Discover the First Brazilian Private Credit ETF DEBB11 comprises more than 80 CDI-linked debentures
11/18/2020 Margin Simulator B3 launches Margin Simulator to provide greater efficiency to margin deposits based on real portfolios and avoid surplus collateral for transactions