B3 12/10/2024 Introducing the Frequency of Brazil Just like a note in a melody, 2024 was marked by notes of joy and challenges. And so, we created a beat that gave us strength in harmony.
B3 10/10/2024 New B3 Roadmap Deliveries | September 2024 Stay up to date with the new B3 projects and improvements for the financial market announced in September 2024
Commodities 09/25/2024 Now it’s official: Future Contract for Conilon debuts on B3 The contract allows for risk management of coffee price fluctuations and will have the possibility of physical delivery.
Listed 09/16/2024 B3 Tech Launches | Trading The table below offers an overview of B3’s upcoming IT & Operations projects. The overview allows market participants to effectively plan their own development and management of the upcoming tech launches. Our full trading Roadmap can be accessed here.
Technology and operations and B3 06/26/2024 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Investments How can AI contribute to the evolution of the financial and capital markets in Brazil?
Listed 06/26/2024 Simplification of Options on IDI Fee Structure with Discounts for Trading Strategies The new calculation has reduced costs and leveraged the number of UDS.
Listed and OTC 06/25/2024 ReVaR – Completion of the Project The ReVar tool connects B3 data to the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service and can help investors overcome difficulties when trading on the exchange
Listed and Index 06/21/2024 IDIV B3: New index for the global market The IDIV is made up of a theoretical portfolio of assets from listed companies that stand out in dividend distribution to shareholders