02/03/2020 B3 has a new ETF available for trading! On 02/03/2020, the It Now Small Cap ETF (SMAC11), which is managed by Itaú Unibanco S.A. and replicates the performance of the Small Caps Index (SMLL)...
12/11/2019 B3 Elected Global Exchange of the Year by London-based Global Investor Group B3 was elected Global Exchange of the Year at this year’s FOW Awards, an award organized by the Futures and Options World (FOW) ...
11/26/2019 B3 Launches Nikkei 225 and S&P Merval Futures As of today, November 25, two new international futures index contracts will be traded on B3: Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei 225) and S&P Merval...
11/19/2019 B3 concludes implementation of registration of liens and encumbrances on financial assets B3 has been working together with the market and regulators on the formalization process for collateral contracts provided...
09/20/2019 New Equity Securities Lending Fee Structure Model B3's percentage fees will no longer be fixed at bps/year and will have a fixed floor at BRL/contract. They will be based ...
09/06/2019 Double entry (optional) available to custodians on assets transfer process B3’s Central Depository provides double entry feature to the custodians, providing better control on asset transfer process.
06/25/2019 Margin Simulator - Know more about B3’s new product! Now you can simulate scenarios for collateral margin calls of your company's asset portfolios in an easy, fast and accurate way.
06/11/2019 B3 Boosts Brazil’s Capital Market Find out what are B3’s initiatives to promote the Brazilian capital market..
05/31/2019 Accreditation Process for the Market Maker Program for the Complex of Options on U.S. Dollar Now Open The program includes three assets and more attractive spread obligations than those offered in the offshore market...
05/28/2019 NOW B3 IS T+2 As of today, B3’s settlement cycle for the cash equities market will be T+2.
05/22/2019 New Assets to the Cash Equities Market Maker Program We are pleased to announce the addition of 76 new Non-Sponsored BDRs to B3’s Cash Equities Market Maker Program...
05/20/2019 B3 introduces the first inflation-linked Fixed Income ETF in Brazil B3 begins trading the first inflation-linked Fixed Income ETF in Brazil
05/14/2019 New Wave of Changes for the B3 Portal Find out what information will be changed on the B3 Portal
05/10/2019 Stay attuned with the latest changes in the DAP Market Maker Program The new DAP Market Maker Program was launched on May 2, 2019
04/04/2019 Roadmap 2019/2020 In the same manner as the previous year, B3 led a wide-ranging debate alongside the market over the past few months ...
03/22/2019 Roadmap 2018-2019: Check out our latest OTC deliveries On March 25, B3 will make two new OTC deliveries to its client roadmap
03/21/2019 We started 2019 with some exciting news about InfoHub The information you need to expedite your trades!
03/19/2019 CVM’s Observance Cost Reduction Project Continued On March 11, 2019, B3 welcomed Antônio Berwanger, CVM's Market Development Superintendent, at its Norms Advisory Committee.