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With expiration on Mondays, the new option contracts allow for more agile and efficient strategic adjustments.

The new options on Small Cap Index (SMLL) will consist of contracts with exclusively cash settlement and expiration on every Monday of the month. The contracts have a standard ticker, but there will be a specific field to indicate the expiration week day. The structure of the ticker will follow the rationale below:

AAAABCCCXn, where:

AAAA: Underlying asset code (SMLL).

B: Identification of the expiration month and type of option (standard options structure from A to X).

CCC: Option series with 1 to 3 characters.

X: Identification of the expiration day of the week (A to E or W), as per the table below.

"A" - Indicates expiration on Monday.                                                                                                                                                                                                  "B" - If Monday is not a business day, "B" will indicate that the option expires on Tuesday.                                                                                                                "C” - If Monday and Tuesday are holidays, the expiration date will be Wednesday. If it coincides with the monthly expiration date, the code will be "W".              "D" - If the next business day is Thursday.                                                                                                                                                                                          "E" - If the next business day is Friday.

n: Identification of the expiration week order from 1 to 5 (standard for weekly options).

Example: On Brazilian Carnival holidays, when Monday and Tuesday are not business days, the weekly Small Cap options will expire on Wednesday. Since this date coincides with the monthly expiration date of the Small Cap Index, the option will not be created with a "C", the code will follow the "W" pattern, resulting in the SMLLA100W1 contract  (call option expiring on the first Monday of January). For more examples of tickers, see the presentation available in the support materials.



The Small Cap Index (SMLL) is an indicator that tracks the performance of companies with smaller capitalization listed on B3.

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  • What is the Sinacor version?


Material name


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Opções Semanal de Small Cap




