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Product benefits

Remote Voting System Enhanced for Multiple Voting Elections

The improvement allows investors to choose candidates for egalitarian distribution   

B3 will now accept in its voting system the indication of which candidates should receive an equal distribution of votes in the event of a multiple voting election. Some proxy advisors have recommended this type of configuration, but until now those votes were disregarded by the system.  

It should be noted that there will be no change to the wording of the multiple voting question and that it is an additional mechanism for distributing percentages with no change to the rules already in place for posting votes.  

For Underwriters and Issuers there will be no impact or adaptation as the information will be posted using the same percentage format.  

Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems


  • Main related functions

    Envio de voto a distância por tela, Excel, BVBG e mensageria

  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
