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Product benefits

Process improvements mitigate risks and costs

Date flexibility expands the structure alternatives for the centrally-cleared OTC market.    

The implementation of alternatives for the verification of barriers will generate changes in files such as Centrally-Cleared Option Contract Registration and Centrally-Cleared Derivatives Position Reconciliation, among others.  

Flexible Options are traded in an organized OTC environment and follow rules and functionalities defined by the parties to the trade. As these are not standardized contracts, they allow flexibility in several parameters of the contract traded between the parties. It may also have specific functionalities such as price caps. At B3, flexible options are registered in the collateral model. 

Collateral is provided by the central counterparty to ensure that all Exchange trades are honored. Known as CCP (Central Counterparty), it is a third party that stands between trades and assumes credit risks between those involved (buyers and sellers). 

In the organized OTC market, the CCP role is played by B3. We provide the entire clearing and settlement structure for trade assets ensuring that the seller receives the money and the buyer receives the asset. For this, all risks are mapped out and managed through a robust safeguard framework for all trades. 


Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems


  • Main related functions

    CCP Enviar Arquivos, Registro de Contrato de Opção CCP, Conciliação de Posição Derivativos, Conciliação de posição de Derivativos com CCP. *Todas as funcionalidades acima por tela e transferência de arquivos.

  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
