Market view
Full data on secondary market trades.
Full data on secondary market trades.
Based on relevant data that support analysis and decision-making.
Availability of information desired by our clients.
Expansion of the range of reports available for contracting on DATAWISE.
New DATAWISE Reports data will bring privileged information about spreads
By consolidating and enabling the easy interpretation of data from the exchange and OTC markets, DATAWISE facilitates decision-making in daily routines.
The contents of the DATAWISE Reports files encompass aspects such as the movement, trading and stock of instruments, allowing users to view term, volume, rate, index, redemption conditions, blind rankings, etc.
Available to the market
Catalog changes
No catalog changes
Main systems
Datawise Reports.
Main related functions
No functions impacted
Certification roadmap
No impact
What is the Sinacor version?
No impact