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Product benefits

An Organized and Structured Way Towards Product Transparency

The first form to be delivered is the Share Conversion form, whose aim is to report – by the fund manager – the data necessary for B3 to release trading of paid-in shares at each new issue. With this, the process hitherto done manually becomes fully automated. 

The tool brings greater data transparency and standardization to the market and predictability of share trading start. With the standardization of data provided by fund managers, interested parties will be able to extract reports from the B3 portal containing the information they wish to research.   


The purpose of the second form is to report – by the fund manager – registration, management and strategic data necessary for the fund's registration in B3’s systems. 

It will also provide visibility to the product in the market in a standardized, interactive and accessible way to investors while allowing access to data on the B3 portal. With the standardization of the data provided by fund managers, interested parties will be able to extract reports from the B3 portal containing the information they wish to research.  

Fund administrators, securitization companies and their legal advisors responsible for providing data on the characteristics and terms of public offerings of securities admitted to trading at B3. 

And the market as a whole will also benefit bringing greater transparency to the data provided by companies and their representatives. 

Fundos.Net is the channel used by issuers of investment funds and receivables certificates to simultaneously deliver documents and regular or occasional information to CVM and B3, which manages the organized market for securities to be admitted to trading. The Fundos.Net platform serves the following funds and certificates: 

  • Real Estate Investment Funds (FII) 

  • Receivables Investment Funds (FIDC) 

  • Market Index Investment Funds (ETF and Fixed Income ETF) 

  • Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) 

  • Mortgage Backed Securities (CRI) 



The main corporate actions related to the securities covered by Fundos.Net and which are receiving structured forms for sending data are: 

  • Dividends 

  • Dividends for BDRs (Brazilian Depositary Receipts) 

  • Interest on own capital 

  • Share subscription 

  • Bonus 

  • Revenue  

  • Share Split 

  • Share Inplit 



UP2DATA is a B3 service that provides the market with EOD data from different B3 segments in a simple and efficient way. One of the data packages offered by UP2DATA is that of corporate actions disclosed by companies listed on B3, which includes payment of revenues, meeting minutes, notices to the market, notices to shareholders, etc.   

Learn more about the UP2DATA corporate action package. 


Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems

  • Main related functions


  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
