Participantes sem banco liquidante podem registrar e negociar CDCA no ambiente de Balcão.
Participantes sem banco liquidante podem registrar e negociar CDCA no ambiente de Balcão.
Participantes com banco liquidante passam a contar com a possibilidade de liquidarem eventos e operações de CDCA dentro ou fora do âmbito da B3.
The project benefits registrars and custodians.
The initiative should lead to greater movement on the NoMe platform to provide the infrastructure to the OTC market with solutions for cash assets, securities and non-centrally cleared derivatives.
The Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificate (CDCA) is a freely traded nominative credit instrument that represents the promise of cash payment linked to credit rights originating from trades between rural producers (or their associations) and third parties, including financing and lending. The asset can also be used as collateral for trades with other instruments, such as Agribusiness Credit Bill (LCA).
Catalog changes
Main systems
Main related functions
Emissão por tela e arquivo, Operações de compra e venda, depósito e resgate antecipado por tela e arquivo, Arquivos conciliação
Certification roadmap
What is the Sinacor version?