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New alternatives for hedging against Ibovespa fluctuations.

S&P/B3 Ibovespa VIX Futures: The futures contract on S&P/B3 Ibovespa VIX will allow exposure to the index in a single product.

Futures Rollover: Will make investors' daily lives easier as it works as a mechanism that allows buying and selling two maturities at the same time, thus reducing the risk of executing the rollover of investments.

S&P/B3 Ibovespa VIX Options: Call and put options on the index will be similar to those existing in the market, with cash settlement and expiration on Wednesdays closest to the 15th.

The S&P/B3 Ibovespa VIX index seeks to measure the implicit volatility in the Brazilian stock market. It is a real-time index that reflects investor sentiment regarding the expected volatility in the benchmark index for equities in Brazil – Bovespa index (Ibovespa B3).

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    Release plan disclosure

Technical details

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  • Certification roadmap

    Optional and not available

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    To be defined