Attendance in pounds icon

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Product benefits

Details about the exception tax rate flow

The specific taxation request does not exempt submission of documents by the investor or investor's custodian

Custodians may link their investors to the respective specific taxation flows that correspond to the special tax condition to which the investor is linked.

It should be noted that linking investors through this flow offered by B3 does not exempt investors or theirs custodians from submitting supporting documents to the registrar

The registrar will assess the investors' request, and it will be up to the registrar to assign the term in which the investor will be linked to this special tax condition.


  • Start of Certification

    Start of Certification

  • Start of parallel production

    Start of parallel production

  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    No catalog changes

  • Main systems

    New depository graphic interface.

  • Main related functions

    No functions impacted

  • Certification roadmap

    Optional and available

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact