Of data, which is now provided in a standardized manner and in a single location.
Of data, which is now provided in a standardized manner and in a single location.
Of data, following the same format as the other data available on the Daily Market Bulletin.
As well as derivatives data, you can find other data on BDM thus making searches easier.
Operational efficiency, reducing the need to navigate through multiple pages to find market data.
Daily Market Bulletin now centralizes data on Swap, Forward and Options trades.
.On the Daily Market Bulletin page, find the OTC section and click on derivatives. With the creation of the OTC module on BDM, the former Historical Series page on the B3 portal will no longer be updated. As a result, data will be centralized, making data searches easier.
Swap, forward and flexible options contracts are derivative instruments traded on the organized OTC market. Learn more.
Available to the market
Catalog changes
No catalog changes
Main systems
No system impacted
Main related functions
No functions impacted
Certification roadmap
No impact
What is the Sinacor version?
No impact