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Product benefits

New Resources for Securitization Companies

B3 is preparing itself to serve securitization companies. Learn about the project delivery phases! 

Structuring the Fundos.NET System to receive periodic and occasional information from securitization companies. At first via documents in PDF format (Reference Form, Audited Financial Statements, and Monthly Report on Securitization Debentures).

Structuring the Registration, Reference and Monthly Report forms to allow automation to complete the forms.

The Empresas.NET  System is used by companies registered with CVM to generate and post mandatory information. The Fundos.NET System is used by Real Estate Investment Funds (FIIs), Market Index Investment Funds (ETFs and Fixed Income ETFs), Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRAs) and Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRIs).  

With the entry into force of the new CVM rule, reporting of periodic and occasional information from securitization companies will be carried out via Fundos.NET System. 


  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems

    Sistema Fundos.NET.

  • Main related functions


  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
