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Product benefits

Processes Related to Expired Assets Will Be Reestablished in the OTC System

Maintaining and renegotiating payments, position queries, B3i queries, cash settlement of events and registration of trades, among other activities, can be carried out in the OTC system. 

Currently, when a credit asset expires and is in default it is no longer included in the NoMe system and, as a result, its ownership control and possible trade take place outside B3. 

With the Maintenance of Expired Assets project, B3 will make it possible to maintain these assets in the system (CCB, CCI, CCE and NCE), thus bringing greater transparency to their issuers and holders and greater safety to carry out trades through B3's infrastructure. 


Bank Credit Bill (CCB) is a dynamic credit instrument that can be issued with or without collateral with the possibility of being acquired by mutual funds, foundations and insurance companies. CCB remuneration can be via fixed rate, floating rate (DI, Selic), Price Index and Exchange Rate Variation. 

Real Estate Credit Bill (CCI) is a credit asset with simplified trading as it does not depend on the debtor's authorization. It originates from real estate installment and it may or may not require collateral. It is paid at a fixed or floating rate and per price indices. 

Export Credit Bill (CCE) is a bond issued by individual investors and corporations to finance export-related activities. It is placed on the market by creditor financial institutions. The CCE has real collateral and it is paid at a fixed or floating rate. 

 Export Credit Note (NCE) represents a credit transaction that can be traded by those who hold it in a custody position paid at a fixed or floating rate. NCE issuance must be backed by export activities adn their shipment schedule must be informed to the bank. 

The NoMe platform provides the infrastructure for the OTC market with a focus on activities like registration, deposit, valuation, trading, settlement and lien provision.   

The new B3 investor's logged-in area allows you to query investment data in a transparent and consolidated way in one place. 

Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems


  • Main related functions


  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
