Material name
Material Type
Ganho de tempo e escalabilidade, com o envio informações em tempo real para as instituições envolvidas.
A automação simplifica e acelera o ciclo de liquidação financeira entre corretoras, carryings e custodiantes.
A comunicação padronizada entre instituições financeiras se torna ágil, dinâmica e fluida, o que reduz os custos.
Traz transparência e facilidade no acompanhamento de todo o fluxo de liquidação.
iMercado brings greater efficiency to institutions' post-trade matching processes.
The new messages aim to automate the cash settlement process, which is currently done by email, telephone, etc. On settlement day, users will be able to exchange messages about the amounts to be settled until both parties agree to an amount. For this, B3 provides the iMercado portal or a solution via API if you wish to connect to your own system.
iMercado is the services network that brings together mechanisms for exchanging post-trade messages. The tool enables the exchange of information in real time, allowing B3, brokerage houses, custodians, managers and administrators to interact directly with each other.
Available to the market
Catalog changes
Main systems
iMercado e Sinacor.
Main related functions
Módulo Tesouraria e Portal do iMercado.
Certification roadmap
What is the Sinacor version?