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Product benefits

Learn how to work with file download automation via API

If you are an iMercado Files user who does not have connectivity to B3's core systems, you may parameterize the IMBARQ files that you wish to receive on Azure Blob Storage cloud. For this, you must use the new functionality in the iMercado "Requests" menu.

After parameterization, your files will be available in T1 on Azure and they can be accessed via the SAS Token obtained from B3 by your Institution's services users.

Please note that this service must be contracted beforehand. Further details may obtained at [email protected].

Managers, Administrators, Foundations, Trustees, OTC Registrars, and OTC Issuers. 

iMercado is the data exchange network that makes listed and OTC data available to clients who do not have direct access to B3’s main systems.

iMercado (IMBARQ) files contain data on post-trade listed and OTC positions, which may include data from B3 Clearinghouse, B3 Central Depository and OTC Depository.

• Expected availability of technical documentation: March 11, 2022.
• Expected Certification/Approval go live for the market: April 25,2022.
• Expected production start: May 16, 2022.

Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems


  • Main related functions


  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
