Material name
Material Type
For exposure to the portfolio of assets without the need to trade them individually.
For the creation and diversification of strategies involving the local market.
New derivatives serve as a hedging tool against price fluctuations in the spot market.
Of instruments linked to local indices, with the inclusion of Brazilian assets listed outside B3.
The new addition complements the range of local index derivatives with the inclusion of Brazilian assets listed outside B3.
Micro Futures Contract on Bovespa B3 BR+ Index: Allows exposure to assets on the Bovespa B3 BR+ Index through a single instrument, without the need to own 100% of the contract value to trade it. The contract expires on Fridays of even-numbered months.
Micro Futures Rollover Contract on Bovespa B3 BR+ Index: Allows trading of two futures contracts through a single transaction, enabling the rollover of the futures contract expiration date.
Option on Bovespa B3 BR+ Index: Allows investors to mitigate market price risks, besides enabling the creation of strategies in relation to the index price trajectory with a relatively small initial capital. The contract expires on the 3rd Fridays of each month.
Option with Weekly Expirations on Bovespa B3 BR+ Index: Its features and benefits are similar to options with monthly expirations, but expires on all other Fridays of the month. This gives investors greater flexibility to implement investment strategies and manage their portfolios.
The Bovespa B3 BR+ Index combines companies participating in the Ibovespa B3 with Brazilian companies listed abroad, thus complementing the current range of local market indices.
Release plan disclosure
Catalog changes
No catalog changes
Main systems
Main related functions
No functions impacted
Certification roadmap
Optional and not available
What is the Sinacor version?