Accreditation Process for the Market Maker Program for the Complex of Options on U.S. Dollar Now Open
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Accreditation Process for the Market Maker Program for the Complex of Options on U.S. Dollar Now Open
The program includes three assets and more attractive spread obligations than those offered in the offshore market...
We are pleased to announce the publication of the Accreditation Process for the Market Maker Program for Option on U.S. Dollar, Mini Option on U.S. Dollar and Mini Option on U.S. Dollar with Weekly Expiration, which is scheduled to start on July 1, 2019, as per Circular Letter 007/2019-VPC, dated May 28, 2019.
Accredited market makers will be exempt from exchange fees and other fees on trades in all series of the three assets, and the delta hedging for U.S. Dollar Futures and Mini U.S. Dollar Futures trades will be 50% of their notional value.
It should be noted that the program currently has two accredited market makers trading more attractive spread obligations than those in the offshore market.
Click here for further information on the Market Market Accreditation Process.
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