Attendance in pounds icon

Project Tags:

In Progress




Product benefits

About CED and APIs

Learn more 



CED is a non-profit B3 group company that offers the capital market transparency on the positions of derivatives contracted in Brazil, allowing a more accurate assessment by financial institutions before granting credit. 



CED serves mostly the banking market, generating data on the derivative exposure of financial institutions’ clients to be used as a risk management tool, thus promoting several opportunities such as:  



Click here to learn more. 


Speed up your routine and access countless market data with B3's new data and technology products. Click here to view a list of all our APIs currently available to the market.  


  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    No catalog changes

  • Main systems

    No system impacted

  • Main related functions

    No related functions.

  • Certification roadmap

    No impact

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact