Easy to use
Consolidated COE report allows users to carry out different analyses quickly.
Consolidated COE report allows users to carry out different analyses quickly.
Comparative profitability analyses with segmentation by strategy type.
Quick overview of the winning strategies in the COE market as a whole.
Access to data consolidated on a monthly basis through reports in PDF or XLSX format.
In the new report, you will find data that compile the profitability of redeemed or early redeemed COEs in a given month in different segments, allowing you to view the most profitable COEs during that period besides providing a ranking of issuers according to their performance.
DATAWISE Reports brings together strategic trading and post-trade data on OTC instruments and has expanded the provision of services to the market, enabling more efficient analyses that contribute to data-driven decision making.
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Phone: +55 11 2565-7908
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What is the Sinacor version?
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