Market share
Enables the analysis of concentration and variations of bank funding securities distribution.
Enables the analysis of concentration and variations of bank funding securities distribution.
Data that enables analysis with a privileged view of market participants.
At the product level, serves as an input for niche market studies.
Access to consolidated monthly data through reports in PDF or XLSX format.
Fixed income products from bank funding have hit a record high in Brazil. In 2022, assets ended the year with a stock of BRL 3.7 trillion against BRL 2.8 trillion in the previous year – a 30% growth. The new Bank Funding – Brokerage Houses report enables participants to better understand the market share of securities distribution in the bank funding market, providing a broad view of the brokerage activity.
DATAWISE Reports brings together strategic trading and post-trade data on OTC instruments and has expanded the provision of services to the market, enabling more efficient analyses that contribute to data-driven decision making.
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Phone: +55 11 2565-7908
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