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Product benefits

Greater Speed for Court Orders on Frozen Assets

Queries, judicial asset freezing and unfreezing are now carried out in an integrated and automated manner on B3’s Central Depository, Registration and Tesouro Direto platforms.

The fulfillment of orders representing investors with assets in court proceedings is now done automatically by B3 using a simple command that can be given through an API (web message).


Through the integration between systems, the message will be distributed to the Central Depository (equities), NoMe (fixed income) and Tesouro Direto platforms. 

If the order is a portfolio query, for example, the service searches, consolidates and returns to the requester a single portfolio containing all the assets owned by that client. 

Likewise, in the event of a court order for asset freezing or unfreezing, by using a single command the system processes and executes the order on the three platforms. It then automatically sends a unified response to the requester.


Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems

    Nenhum sistema impactado.

  • Main related functions

    Nenhuma função relacionada.

  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
