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B3 Tech Launches | Trading

The table below offers an overview of B3’s upcoming IT & Operations projects. The overview allows market participants to effectively plan their own development and management of the upcoming tech launches. Our full trading Roadmap can be accessed here.

Service: Trading
Update frequency: every 2 weeks
Date of last update: Dec/20/2024



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Architecture Update of the TCP Replayer gateways to UMDF FIX/FAST TCP Replayer/  Historical Replayer No August          - Sep/16/2024 The TCP Replayer gateways will be segmented by groups of matching engines for the UMDF FIX/FAST For existing sessions, the migration period will extend from August to December 2024, with no increase in cost for market participants who migrate during this period.
New connectivity data and new architecture can be accessed here.
Template update for Binary Order Entry Gateway Binary Order Entry Gateway Mandatory for the Implied functionality usage 28/10/2024         No Nov/16/2024


Waves 6 and 7:  GWs 10001, 10002, 10003 + 10004

Wave 8: GWs 10005 + 10006

Wave 9: GWs 10007 + 10008

Wave 10: GWs 10009 + 10010

The update to the new version of the template file will not be mandatory, as it is backward compatible with the previous version, but it will be mandatory for the use of the new Implied functionality.

The EntryPoint technical specifications are available at, at Solutions, Platforms, PUMA Trading System, Binary Order Entry

Tags included:

- ImpliedEventID at ExecutionReport_Trade (informed in External Communication 049/2024-VNC)                                        - marketSegmentID will also be included in all Execution Report messages                         - semanticVersion field will be added to the NegotiateResponse message, indicating the current version of the binary OE gateway template.

(date of last                        information update: Nov/28/2024)

Implied Matching Engines,            FIX and Binary  EntryPoint Gateways,        FIX/FAST and Binary UMDF Mandatory for all clients operating DI, DAP, and their respective EDSs of DV01 Oct/28/2024 Dec/07/2024


Introducing new functionality designed to connect the strategy and outright order books.

Week 1 Dec/09/2024: DIIF26F27, DIIF25N25, DIIF27F29, DIIF29F31, DIIN25N26 and DIIF27J27

Week 2 Dec/16/2024: DIIN26F27, DIIF29F30, DIIN25F29, DIIF28F31, DIIF30F33, DIIF33F34, DAIK25Q26 and DAIK29Q30

The primary objective  of the Implied functionality is to enhance market liquidity.

(date of last                  information update:    Dec/18/2024)

New Domains for Securities Lending Electronic Trading 

UMDF FIX/FAST and      UMDF Conflated

No Nov/27/2024 Feb/01/2025 Feb/03/2025

Incremental(35=X) and Snapshot(35=W) messages: creation of the domains for messages that have the 276 – QuoteCondition tag:

Domain LM = BTB (Limited Order)

Domain AN = BTB (All or Nothing Order)*

*Functionality to be implemented later

The Market Data technical specifications are available at


Solutions, Platforms, PUMA Trading System, Developers and vendors, Market Data FIX/FAST.                                   

(date of last                  information update: Dec/20/2024)

Settlement Price messages behavior change (269=6) FIX/FAST  UMDF and Binary UMDF No Oct/22/2024 Feb/01/2025 Feb/03/2025 At present, when different types of settlement prices are available (tag 423) for a contract, both the settlement prices, by rate (PERCENTAGE) and per unit (PER_UNIT), are published in the same message. In the new format they will be published in two different messages, with no change to tags or domains

This change is          described in the new version of the  Customer Impact Document (CID) at en_us/, Solutions, Platforms, PUMA Trading System, Developers and vendors, Market Data FIX/FAST, UMDF and UMDF Conflated                             

 (date of last                  information update: Dec/20/2024)


B3's Roadmap

Stay up to date with the evolution of our full roadmap: 

Projects | Studies | Improvement


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Email: [email protected]

Phone: +55 11 2565-5021

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