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Product benefits

Automation Enables Web, Mobile and Machine-to-Machine Integration


B3 APIs enable market participants to develop tools to automate integration processes into web, mobile and machine-to-machine applications, besides being used as an alternative to existing integration standards. 

B3 APIs follow the REST standard and carry out queries, registrations, updates and clearances executed by systems to enable control of responses received from the API and facilitate monitoring the status of your requests.  

SINCAD, B3’s Integrated Registration System, is responsible for inclusion and maintenance of data on investors, their accounts and affiliations, and also data on trading professionals that will be used in B3's trading and post-trade environments. Among SINCAD’s main functionalities are:  

  • Inclusion, maintenance and query on accounts 
  • Inclusion, maintenance and query on agreements 
  • Inclusion, maintenance and query on trading professionals  


  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes


  • Main systems


  • Main related functions

    Nenhuma função relacionada.

  • Certification roadmap


  • What is the Sinacor version?
