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Given the growing volume of requests to open individual investor accounts, B3 has expanded the investor account ID field from 7 to 9 digits in its Integrated Registration System - SINCAD. In the first phase of the project in November 2021, B3 released the registration of Brazilian and non-resident individual investors and a few economic activities of corporations.
In the second phase of the project, B3 is complementing the list of economic activities that accept up to 9 digits. With this, participants may expand their client base to up to 999,999,999 accounts, according to their strategic needs.
Com essa melhoria, nos preparamos para um crescimento mais acelerado do mercado, viabilizando o cadastro de mais de 10 milhões de contas por participante.
Com maior quantidade de possibilidades para cadastro, os participantes podem expandir o número de clientes conforme suas estratégias de negócios.
The second phase of the project completes the list of economic activities allowed for registering investor accounts with up to 9 digits.
The increase in the number of digits in the investor account ID field impacts all market participants who register accounts and use this information in the listed segment. It also impacts participants who trade centrally-cleared derivatives in the OTC segment.
In the second phase of the project to expand the Investor Account ID, economic activities that had not been authorized in Phase I are now included.
B3's Integrated Registration System (SINCAD) is a system for entering and maintaining data on investors, their accounts and relationships and professionals’ data to be used in B3’s trading and post-trade environments.
e-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: 2565-7822 / 6824 / 7551 / 5335.
e-mail: [email protected]
telefone: (11) 2565-5017
Catalog changes
Main systems
Main related functions
SINCAD - Cadastro de contas
Certification roadmap
What is the Sinacor version?
FIIs in MSCI Indices
Brazilian FIIs will be included in the MSCI Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) classification.
FII ETFs allow investing in a diversified real estate portfolio with liquidity and passive income.
Margin Call in Revenue Netting Scenarios
New rule eliminates margin calls when revenue netting is involved, thus reducing the financial impact.
In Progress