One-off improvements
Todos os projetos
The improvement consists of providing, on an automated basis, via a message or file, approvals of requests of primary ETFs that are forwarded to custody.
Improvement to GRC buyback execution. Creation of a message flow for executions by rule exception.
For Datawise Reports clients who need to download files on the website screen and use the content for analysis, a reference to the glossary material will be provided containing information on the layout of the files available in Datawise Reports. The delivery will make it easier for clients to understand the content of the files, and thus meet a demand often found in customer satisfaction surveys.
Currently, some clients use data from the UP2DATA Legacy/Old channel files, but they are changing their systems/reading to files with the UP2DATA format. The data contained in the Legacy/Old channel is stored in several different files, making it difficult to find the necessary similar fields. Therefore, the main benefit of this activity is the "map" from the Legacy file to the UP2DATA file, which will make it easier to find the fields in the files.
Development of a process to filter registrations with errors that could impact Market Reports volume rankings.
Enhancements will be delivered to UP2DATA aimed at improving the clients' experience with the product. Among the enhancements are: - Documents from Legacy File to UP2DATA file: Currently, some clients use data from the UP2DATA Legacy/Old channel files, but they are changing their systems/reading to files with the UP2DATA format. The data contained in the Legacy/Old channel is stored in several different files, making it difficult to find the necessary similar fields. Therefore, the main benefit of this activity is the "map" from the Legacy file to the UP2DATA file, which will make it easier to find the fields in the files. - Increase in the history and update of the website glossaries - Public Data Website. - Addition of site variables - Public Data Website: Fields with data on fluctuation, registered quantity and financial volume will be included. Data that will be delivered on the UP2DATA public data website, market and regulatory channels. - New DI Futures variable in the Interest Rate file: Currently, some UP2DATA clients need to have DI1 and TAS business data. Therefore, DI Futures data - VWAP + TAS - will be developed and included in the Interest Rate channel.
This improvement will bring a better and simpler understanding to clients about the packages offered by UP2DATA ON DEMAND. From now on, the descriptions will consist of the explanation of the file type and also of the asset type.
Based on this improvement, when applying filters on CVA screens the filter’s composition will be displayed at the top of the screen, so that the filtered data is displayed and known during use. With this vision, operational processes will be faster and opening the filter box for verification will no longer be necessary. This is similar to what is used today in RTC. With this improvement, users will have better and more user friendly screen usability. The display of the applied filter will facilitate operational verification and data reading adding greater transparency to the process.
The LFC (Physical Settlement and Commodity Certification System) screen, where sellers’ invoice data is filled in, will have its layout improved. The new screen will be more intuitive and will have new filter options. The change is aimed at facilitating input of data thus bringing greater agility to the process.
A functionality will be made available to the Underwriter who will offer an option to confirm the financial events in a batch by means of the upload of a CSV file. This feature will supplement the current process of confirmation of financial events that makes the Underwriter validate, on a unit basis, the financial amounts of the events that will be paid.
With this delivery, banks will have easier access to the trading data for the Casado de Dólar (CSD2) strategy, including U.S. Dollar Futures data that makes up the strategy. Therefore, the banks' back office will have access to the same data that traders already have and this will bring greater efficiency to the formalization of transactions with the Central Bank of Brazil. For this, the following fields will be added to the BMC0015 message: • Code of the brokerage house executing the trade • Futures trade number, futures price, CSD trade number • CSD price • Trade quantity
As well as intraday risk calculation, participants will now have access to T-1 risk calculation.
The following will be added to the coverage request message bvmf.150: distribution fields and ISIN sources for assets undergoing corporate actions with change in the final ISIN. The benefit of this improvement is the possibility of choosing, on a monthly basis, the asset that will be used to query the balance in the central depository in case it is undergoing a corporate action. Currently this query is only possible via screen. With the process becoming automated, the coverage will be carried out even faster via message.
B3 will add to the capture and allocation status messages, in addition to the screen, the following fields: DI/DAP rate and spread of matched transactions. All trade-related data is sent via message, making the participant process more robust and without the need to search for trade-related data manually.
Currently, the files that are generated in the Institutions' deposit bag and that bring data on all transactions carried out during the day are not generated at the same frequency between products. This means that some instruments have files generated only after the batch, while the last generation of the other instruments is done before the registration window is closed, leaving out trades entered after this time limit. The purpose of this delivery is to equalize this process so that for NDF Currencies, NDF Commodities and NDF Options (non-CCP), the transaction file is generated more than once a day to streamline matchings and also at the end of the registration window, thus consolidating all the data entered by the Institution on that date.
Currently, the file provided by B3 for Clients to validate Non-CCP Options contracts contains diverse data. However, if the contract is the "Asian average" type, only verification date quantities for calculating the expiration price are displayed, leaving out the dates actually registered at the time of registration. The purpose of this delivery is to create a specific file for Non-CCP Options containing Asian average dates and other contract characteristics to facilitate daily reconciliation by clients and optimize operational routines of institutions that register this product. It will be available in the Participants' deposit bag.
Inclusion of DI1 and DAP structured transaction data in the 'Interest_Rate_StructuredOperationInstrumentFile' file on the UP2DATA 'Interest Rate' channel, which were not previously included in this file.
The 'Fund CNPJ' column will be added to the 'Instrument Registration' subchannel file on the UP2DATA 'Equity' channel.
To improve customer service, the 'Data Analytics' channel will be renamed 'Analytics BDR' on UP2DATA, where the 'Data_Analytics_BDRBalanceStockFile' file is stored.
To improve the module’s usability, new fields were added to the export functionality for Microsoft Excel of the Trade Blotter module, making it easier to identify data on executed trades. This data appeared in the interface, but was not properly exported on Excel.
This initiative aims to rectify an error where not all the investors’ names appeared on the Client List.
Analysis of the dashboards platform to implement improvements for users.
Analysis of the dashboard platform to implement improvements to users.
To reduce transportation and acquisition costs with the current packaging, given that there are few suppliers on the market and rigid coffee packaging is difficult to transport, B3 will now accept milky plastic bags for certifying coffee lot samples, thereby providing greater savings without compromising the robustness and quality of the process.
This delivery allows Participants to request Transfer or Assignment per File.
To enable the transfer of assets generated by physical earnings to the creditor and eliminate the need for an investor's STVM authorizing the transfer of earnings, which makes the process time consuming, the improvement will automate the flow of transfer of an involuntary event to the creditor in a contract of usufruct.
The improvement will allow the opening of the BDR book for the issuance of new papers on corporate event dates.
In the Position Limit System (SLP), the Limit Consumption module provides participants with the possibility to consult the consumption of Limits L1 and L2 by aggregation level and instrument on screen. This improvement will make it possible to extract this information from the screen into an Excel file, facilitating the daily monitoring of this information.
For treasuries, non-resident investors and foundations in the Transactional iMercado (IMBARQ), new categories will be released for consumption of data from the counter, which are available in Imbarq's record 36.
During the confirmation phase of the donors' participation in the priority offer, they can inform a maximum price that conditions this participation only per screen. Thus, the improvement will allow the follow-up of the borrower also via file, and the maximum price information will be included in BVBG.095
To carry out gold settlement in case the asset is deposited in collateral, the customer needs to withdraw this asset, transferring it to the gold-free portfolio, and thus, the settlement takes place. The improvement proposes that settlement can take place directly in the collateral portfolio, with no need for a prior withdrawal.
To request the execution of restricted buybacks by the Clearinghouse, the participant informs the operator code for closing the trade. The delivery aims to automate the process, including sending this information also through the bvmf.043 execution request message.