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Improvements on ePUMA Screen for Midpoint and BBT

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Go-live: 08/16/2024

Launch of improvement on ePUMA

The submission of orders for block trade solutions Midpoint Order Book (Midpoint) or Book of Block Trade (BBT) via the ePUMA trading station has undergone improvements. The goal is to enhance the user experience and streamline the routine. The update has brought greater ease for investors as the number of fields that need to be filled out when submitting an order will be reduced. Furthermore, the tool automatically locks fields that should not be filled out, thus minimizing the chance of errors. Here's how it works: #Automatic Filling: When the instrument symbol ending in "M" (Midpoing) is entered in the ticker field, the field "Type of market" will be automatically filled as Midpoint, thereby eliminating the need for the user to fill out two fields. # Error Prevention: When the user enters the instrument symbol ending in "M" (Midpoint) or "Q" (BBT), fields that do not need to be filled out will be locked, preventing potential input errors.

EDS subtype tag differentiation

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Go-live: 03/25/2024

Currently, some rollovers have a differentiation in Tag 762 (e.g. Tag 762 = 140 – Financial Rollover, 141 Agricultural Rollover, etc.) identifying the different types of rollovers while EDSs only come with Tag 762 = 90 – Strategy, without this distinction. Therefore, we will include a characterization domain, for example (Tag 762 = xxx – DV01 Neutral and UP Neutral).

New File to Query Minimum Size for Block Trades


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Go-live: 05/27/2024

In seeking to make life easier for users of B3’s trading platform, we now make a daily file available directly on B3 portal with relevant data on tradable instruments. The file consists of an exact copy of the Market Data SecurityList and contains data on the minimum size, in terms of quantity, for instruments tradeable in block trade solutions (Midpoint, BBT and RFQ). This data is updated daily per asset considering the minimum size in financial value defined by the regulator and the asset’s closing price, which until then was only disclosed on Market Data. Now queries can be made via file directly on the B3 portal, simplifying the trade for users of block trade solutions. Check the file now:

Securities Lending - Viewing of the Give-up Participant's ID by Custodians

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Disclosure plan: 06/30/2024

Today Custodians are unable to correctly validate the manager's orders, since they do not have sufficient information to identify the Give-up Participant in securities lending trades. An optional field will be created whereby the Custodian receives data on the Give-up Participant’s ID for trades executed in the securities lending market, thus facilitating their daily trade validation routine. Such data will be available via messaging and via electronic trading platform.

SINACOR - Capacity Testing Module (CVM 035)

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The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) has published, through CVM Resolution No. 35/2021, the obligation to carry out load tests on post-trade infrastructure for all brokerage houses as of December 2023 to be submitted in the 2024 BSM audit. The Capacity Testing Module aims to enable, as per CVM Instruction No. 35/2021, the insertion of mass data and execution of load tests in the SINACOR system (with a focus on Post-Trade) in the test environment of Brokerage Houses and Intermediary institutions. It also aims to generate the indicators necessary for the preparation of the BSM audit report. For more information, please contact our Proximity team SINACOR - [email protected]

Creation of a mechanism for automatic Income Tax withholding of CFF events

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B3 created an automatic Income Tax (IR) withholding transaction for CFF – Closed-End Fund Shares. If the IR withholding transaction for CFF is entered before 10.00 AM, the event settlement message will be sent in Gross settlement mode with the tax amount already withheld.  On the other hand, if the IR withholding transaction is entered after 10:00 AM or the event is entered in T0, the flow will be the same as that currently adopted. In other words, two messages will be generated: one with the full amount of the event and one with the amount to be withheld from IR.

New files on Secure Client


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B3 will make new files available with a list of assets restricted from trading in the Listed Segment (stocks, units, BDRs, fund shares). New files: ARQ.CAP.001.01 - List of sponsored stocks, units and BDRs with trading restriction and release dates for types of investors (professional, qualified and retail) ARQ.CAP.002.01 - List of Funds (FIP, FIM and FI-INFRA) with trading restriction and release dates for types of investors (professional, qualified and retail. ARQ.CAP.003.01 - List of Funds (FII and FIDC) with trading restriction and release dates for types of investors (professional, qualified and retail). The content of the file is distributed across 3 tabs: Tab 1 “Information about orders” – refers to the tab that will be updated regularly and reflects in a consolidated manner the 'Share Trading Release' forms published by fund administrators as of January 2023; Tabs 2 and 3 “FII – Inventory” and “FIDC – Inventory” – refers to the FII and FIDC funds, respectively, which have not posted recent orders but disclose target audience restrictions in their Monthly Report. Therefore, if a fund appears in the “Information about orders” tab, it will not appear in the “FII – Inventory” or “FIDC – Inventory” tab. ARQ.CAP.004.01 - Target audience for NP BDR Programs and ETF BDR Programs admitted to trading on B3. The files will be available during B3's nightly processing with information for the next trading session. Disclosure of these files will be maintained on the B3 portal.

Improvements to Commodity Rollovers

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Rollover of Commodities (Live Cattle - BR1, Corn - MR1, Soybean - SC and SO1, Ethanol - ET1 and Coffee - CR1) will now receive trade Execution Reports. Therefore, for each trade carried out, participants will receive 3 Execution Reports, one with the execution message and the agreed price of the structured rollover transaction and two additional Reports with confirmation of trades and prices of the instruments that make up the strategy legs. Furthermore, these contracts must follow the formulas for pricing the legs, as described below: Short leg: • Nature of Transaction: Different from the strategy transaction • Price: Price of the last short leg trade carried out at the time of transaction registration • Quantity: Same quantity as the strategy transaction Long leg: • Nature of Transaction: Identical to the strategy transaction • Price: Short leg price + strategy traded price • Quantity: Same quantity as the strategy transaction To accomplish this, the BR1, MR1, SC1 and SO1 contracts must have the short leg settlement price changed to the last traded price, as these contracts currently use the settlement price.

RTC – Inclusion of the field 'Change of executing participant' in the position transfer screen

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RTC – Inclusion of the field 'Change of executing participant' in the position transfer screen The new functionality will allow participants to also transfer the executing participant during position transfer if it is the same as the carrying participant at the origin of the trade. This functionality will be available via messaging through an optional field in file bvmf.028. At the end of the transfer process, the executing participant will be the same as the carrying participant.

UP2DATA: New data in the files of the Debentures channel

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We will expand the variety of data delivered in the SecurityList file, including registration data and debenture negotiation.

Automation of the Subscription Right Posting Process

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A subscription right is when a company decides to increase its capital by issuing new shares. In this situation, the company's shareholders have preference right to purchase the assets in the new lot. Currently, the posting of subscription rights (transfer of rights from the Company's Registration Book to B3’s environment) is carried out entirely manually with physical documents sent to B3, which makes the whole process time-consuming and with a lead time of approximately 3 days. Through this initiative, we intend to automate the entire flow, providing process autonomy to requesters while eliminating operating risks and physical documentation flows. Furthermore, lead time will be reduced by 60%.

Tesouro Direto – Reduction of Position Transfer Time with Change of Ownership


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The transfer time with change of ownership for Tesouro Direto bonds will be reduced from 4 days to a maximum of 1 day. Transfers are used in situations like estate, divorce and donation in the amounts established by the Court. No fee will be charged in advance by B3. The due fees will be transferred to investors proportionally according to the amount specified in the transaction.

Reduction of FRC Round Lot in Electronic Calls


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B3 will reduce the FRC Round Lot in electronic calls from 100 to 10 contracts by matching the regular trading session lot to the call lot. This improvement is aimed at facilitating clients’ access to product liquidity in electronic calls. To mitigate the risk of distortion of the FRC curve in less liquid maturities, the settlement price for each maturity will be determined by the call only when there are more than 100 contracts traded in the call for the maturity in question.

UP2DATA: New Data in the CRI and CRA Channel Files

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Evolution of data provided on the CRI & CRA channel including information on asset payment structure.

UP2DATA: Adjustments for Entry of Commercial Policy

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Review of data by channel according to the current information architecture in the new commercial policy.

Datawise Reports: Improvement Initiatives for Product Experience and Usability


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Review of derivatives reports, warning screen and product notifications for better usability, besides the implementation of metrics and monitoring of use for continuous evolution.

Enhanced Repurchase Option functionality for LF, LFSC and LFSN

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Implementation of general improvements in the repurchase option flow for Financial Bills (LFs). Among the improvements are the possibility of automatically including a periodic schedule for LFs, the possibility of maintaining the repurchase schedule, restructuring the status flow of options events, and other one-off improvements.

Incorporation of On-Screen Orders into the Debentures Reference Price Generation Model

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This improvement will bring greater quality to the generation of debentures reference prices, making it more robust and complete.

CALC Manual Update


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B3 will improve the accuracy criteria of the calculation models offered by CALC fixed income calculation tool. As a result, we will replicate the calculation results delivered by CALC in a more agile, efficient and accurate way.

Availability of Delta and MTM for Centrally-Cleared Options in the G015 File

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Insertion of Delta and MTM data for Centrally-Cleared Options in the G015 file. The goal is to share these parameters with clients so that they can use them to replicate internally in pricing engines, among other purposes.