One-off improvements
Todos os projetos
We will expand the variety of data delivered in the SecurityList file, including registration data and debenture negotiation.
Implementation of general improvements in the repurchase option flow for Financial Bills (LFs). Among the improvements are the possibility of automatically including a periodic schedule for LFs, the possibility of maintaining the repurchase schedule, restructuring the status flow of options events, and other one-off improvements.
Insertion of Delta and MTM data for Centrally-Cleared Options in the G015 file. The goal is to share these parameters with clients so that they can use them to replicate internally in pricing engines, among other purposes.
The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) has published, through CVM Resolution No. 35/2021, the obligation to carry out load tests on post-trade infrastructure for all brokerage houses as of December 2023 to be submitted in the 2024 BSM audit. The Capacity Testing Module aims to enable, as per CVM Instruction No. 35/2021, the insertion of mass data and execution of load tests in the SINACOR system (with a focus on Post-Trade) in the test environment of Brokerage Houses and Intermediary institutions. It also aims to generate the indicators necessary for the preparation of the BSM audit report. For more information, please contact our Proximity team SINACOR - [email protected]