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Addition of indication and description of filters applied on the CVA screen

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Based on this improvement, when applying filters on CVA screens the filter’s composition will be displayed at the top of the screen, so that the filtered data is displayed and known during use. With this vision, operational processes will be faster and opening the filter box for verification will no longer be necessary. This is similar to what is used today in RTC. With this improvement, users will have better and more user friendly screen usability. The display of the applied filter will facilitate operational verification and data reading adding greater transparency to the process.

Improvement of indication screen for coffee lot invoice data in physical deliveries


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The LFC (Physical Settlement and Commodity Certification System) screen, where sellers’ invoice data is filled in, will have its layout improved. The new screen will be more intuitive and will have new filter options. The change is aimed at facilitating input of data thus bringing greater agility to the process.

Functionality for confirming batch payments on PAE


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A functionality will be made available to the Underwriter who will offer an option to confirm the financial events in a batch by means of the upload of a CSV file. This feature will supplement the current process of confirmation of financial events that makes the Underwriter validate, on a unit basis, the financial amounts of the events that will be paid.

Availability of Casado de Dólar data in the BMC0015 message


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With this delivery, banks will have easier access to the trading data for the Casado de Dólar (CSD2) strategy, including U.S. Dollar Futures data that makes up the strategy. Therefore, the banks' back office will have access to the same data that traders already have and this will bring greater efficiency to the formalization of transactions with the Central Bank of Brazil. For this, the following fields will be added to the BMC0015 message: • Code of the brokerage house executing the trade • Futures trade number, futures price, CSD trade number • CSD price • Trade quantity