05/22/2019 New Assets to the Cash Equities Market Maker Program We are pleased to announce the addition of 76 new Non-Sponsored BDRs to B3’s Cash Equities Market Maker Program...
05/20/2019 B3 introduces the first inflation-linked Fixed Income ETF in Brazil B3 begins trading the first inflation-linked Fixed Income ETF in Brazil
05/14/2019 New Wave of Changes for the B3 Portal Find out what information will be changed on the B3 Portal
05/10/2019 Stay attuned with the latest changes in the DAP Market Maker Program The new DAP Market Maker Program was launched on May 2, 2019
04/04/2019 Roadmap 2019/2020 In the same manner as the previous year, B3 led a wide-ranging debate alongside the market over the past few months ...
03/22/2019 Roadmap 2018-2019: Check out our latest OTC deliveries On March 25, B3 will make two new OTC deliveries to its client roadmap
03/21/2019 We started 2019 with some exciting news about InfoHub The information you need to expedite your trades!
03/19/2019 CVM’s Observance Cost Reduction Project Continued On March 11, 2019, B3 welcomed Antônio Berwanger, CVM's Market Development Superintendent, at its Norms Advisory Committee.