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Project Tags:


Securities Lending


Product benefits

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More details about the solution

The project aims to allow portfolio 22 to be lent to a broker dealer account.

Thus, there will be no need for risk assessment and assets will be lent directly from portfolio 22 whenever this is the brokerage house's choice.

By default, contracts lent through a broker dealer account will always be directed to hedge portfolio 22, since the broker dealer account aims to connect two different investor profiles (Individual and Institutional investors). If a brokerage house wishes to withdraw the assets from their hedging purpose, it will need to unhedge the contract according to the Clearinghouse's evaluation criteria, following the same existing rules.

When the contract is closed out, the assets will be returned to free portfolio 21 regardless of the portfolio selected as borrower and transactions may be cleared.


  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    No catalog changes

  • Main systems

    No system impacted

  • Main related functions

    No functions impacted

  • Certification roadmap

    No impact

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact