Execution Risk on Options strategies eliminated.
Execution Risk on Options strategies eliminated.
Visibility to the market on which strategies are traded daily.
Creation of specific order books for trading Options strategies.
The improvement will benefit banks, asset managers, non-resident investors, brokerage houses and other interested profiles
Currently, to trade strategies in the Options market, investors are faced with some inefficiencies such as execution risk and lack of transparency.
The UDS functionality allows investors to create specific order books for the strategies they intend to trade in the Options market.
The strategy market is a huge market with the potential to grow even further. These improvements, with deliveries starting in 2022 and expected to finish in early 2023, are one of the deliveries that will pave the way for the market to fulfil its potential.
The following are the expected enhancements:
Implement trading tunnels (continuous trading)
Strategy ratios up to 99.
Possibility of calling UDS in blocks.
Make the Leg Status vs. UDS Status independent.
In the first quarter of 2023, B3 will bring improvements for those who trade more than one U.S. Dollar Option leg with cost reduction. From this delivery onwards, we will charge a single fee that will consider all legs of the strategy for the final price.
Continuous trading
Catalog changes
No catalog changes
Main systems
No system impacted
Main related functions
No functions impacted
Certification roadmap
No impact
What is the Sinacor version?
No impact