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Product benefits

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With the new rules, lien contracts now offer greater flexibility to OTC market participants.

When registering the Guarantee Contract and the Asset Transfer Request, custodians may choose whether the LCI and LCA financial events will be paid to the guaranteed party. This will be done through the field “Events for the Guaranteed Party? YES / NO".

Click here to learn more details about the registration.

LCA is a bond issued by a financial institution and is used to raise funds for the agribusiness chain. For the investor, the advantages of an LCA include income tax exemption and coverage by the Credit Guarantor Fund (FGC). A key differential of LCAs registered with B3 is the range of collateral that can be attached to them.

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LCI is similar to LCA, with funds raised to promote the real estate sector. Investors also have income tax exemption and FGC coverage. LCI cannot be redeemed at any time, but it can be traded on the secondary market. Its minimum maturity period varies according to the index attached to it.

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  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    To be defined

  • Main systems


  • Main related functions

    Registration of Guarantee Contract and Asset Transfer Request

  • Certification roadmap

    Optional and not available

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact