UP2DATA Enhancement Pack
Enhancements will be delivered to UP2DATA aimed at improving the clients' experience with the product.
Among the enhancements are:
- Documents from Legacy File to UP2DATA file: Currently, some clients use data from the UP2DATA Legacy/Old channel files, but they are changing their systems/reading to files with the UP2DATA format. The data contained in the Legacy/Old channel is stored in several different files, making it difficult to find the necessary similar fields. Therefore, the main benefit of this activity is the "map" from the Legacy file to the UP2DATA file, which will make it easier to find the fields in the files.
- Increase in the history and update of the website glossaries - Public Data Website.
- Addition of site variables - Public Data Website: Fields with data on fluctuation, registered quantity and financial volume will be included. Data that will be delivered on the UP2DATA public data website, market and regulatory channels.
- New DI Futures variable in the Interest Rate file: Currently, some UP2DATA clients need to have DI1 and TAS business data. Therefore, DI Futures data - VWAP + TAS - will be developed and included in the Interest Rate channel.