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Trade services

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Trading rules, auction types, tunnel parameters
•    Clarification on Equities, Fixed Income, Futures, Indices, and Options trading
•    Trading management and voice;
•    Demand for the creation of instruments (Futures, Fixed Income and Options);
•    Clarification of doubts about RLP, Cross Offers, Market Protection and Auction Mechanisms 
•    Questions about website content on tradable products
•    Questions about trading statistics: prices, open contracts and traded volume
•    Trading times and phases

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5022

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm

Trading Support

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Support for participants regarding trading systems (Electronic Trading);
•    Support for order entry interfaces (EntryPoint), Drop Copy and Market Data (UMDF);
•    Questions about orders, trades, historical data
•    Clarification of doubts about FIX and SBE protocol, trading rules, B3 portal content, External Communications and Circular Letters
•    Support for trading portals: LiNe, TRDP, Firmsoft, ePUMA and SmartClick
•    Support for BVBG.028, BVBG.029, BVBG.086 and BVBG.087 files
•    Support for the ePUMA, Trader, TraderLink and Trademate electronic platforms 

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5021

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 6:30 am to 9:00 pm

Special auctions

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Monitoring of special auctions, PTOs and Follow-on
•    Judicial auctions

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5024

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm