Attendance in pounds icon


Foreign exchange settlement, fee structure and contracting

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Foreign Exchange Settlement
•    Foreign Exchange and BTB Contracting
•    Event Settlement and Tesouro Direto
•    Buyback
•    Questions about pricing policies: simple, complex and i-Mercado 
•    Questions about pricing files and messages 
•    Analysis and handling of invoices 
•    Registration and exclusion of new Investors, New Trades and HFT Incentive Flows;
•    Taxation (PIS, Cofins and IOF).

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5014

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm


Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Rule breach
•    Capture and allocation trade rules
•    BTB settlement windows
•    Allocation Windows

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5012

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 08:00 am to 08:30 pm

Formador de mercado

Entre em contato com esta central para esclarecimentos sobre os seguintes assuntos:

•    Atendimento as dúvidas sobre os programas de formador de mercado, regras e parâmetros e períodos de atuação;
•    Acompanhamento dos processos de credenciamento e renovação de programas;
•    Recebimento de avaliação de justificativa de não-conformidade.

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5025

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9h to 18h

Position control

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Transfer of position
•    Change of loan executor
•    Transfer with assignment of revenues
•    Maintenance of positions
•    Forward positions
•    Daily settlement, premium and settlement value
•    Questions about position files and messages
•    Physical delivery process
•    Questions about corporate actions

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5013

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm

Risk and collateral

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Increase of LiNe limits
•    Questions about margin value (RTC), margin report, risk simulator (RTC), control of position limits, additional margin
•    Margin recalculation
•    Shorting of contracts for delivery of assets
•    Transfer of positions
•    Questions about pending Foreign Exchange trades
•    Questions about Position Limit System
•    Questions about LiNe and maintenance of metrics
•    Collateral release
•    Collateral deposit
•    Collateral transfer
•    Receipt of collateral for auction
•    Transfer of Public Securities events
•    Control of collateral expiration
•    Reservation of limits
•    Collateral execution
•    Questions about collateral call, valuation or movement
•    Reversal/Return of Margin
•    Collateral abroad
•    Questions about settlement price
•    Pricing methodology
•    Price formation
•    Questions about disclosure of pricing files
•    Questions about information published on B3 portal


URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5030

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 07:30 am to 20:30 pm


Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:
•    Movement of Equity Assets
•    Transfer of assets
•    Contracts pending on SOG
•    Redemption of split certificates
•    Deposit of listed assets
•    Reconciliation and settlement of balance and movement
•    Transfer of revenues
•    Conversion of assets
•    Registration of meetings
•    Support for Equities Depository systems

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5042

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm

Tesouro Direto

Please contact this service to inquire about the following topics:

•    Transfers
•    Trades
•    Settlement
•    Allocation of securities pledged as collateral 
•    Blocking/Unblocking of securities 
•    Support for the calculation of fees and half-yearly charges 
•    Support for systems (application, simulator, webservice and Tesouro Direto portals).

URA option


Direct phone

+55 11 2565-5043

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm