Attendance in pounds icon

Project Tags:



Cross Market


Product benefits

Update will occur automatically without the need for certification

Get in touch with B3 for further information about this delivery.

If you have any questions, please write to [email protected] or call +55 11 2565-5031.


LiNe is a tool integrated into the PUMA trading platform. It is used by market participants operating within the B3 environment to define pre-trading limits and monitor the activities of investors, namely, the people and companies with activities ate B3 buying and selling assets through their brokerage houses. In addition, all investors who send or have their orders sent to the trading system are LINE users, as they have their limits validated before posting the order to the trading engine. 

Order cancel messages (Individual Cancel - 35=F and Mass Cancel 35=CA) will not be evaluated by the LiNe Trading Affinity, so the trading gateway will send these messages to the trading engine, thus maintaining the same behavior as currently seen in the production environment



  • Other

    1st Rollout - DRV01 (MarketsegmentID 68) and EQT09 (MarketsegmentID 98)

  • Other

    2nd Rollout - DRV02 (MarketsegmentID 70), DRV04 (MarketsegmentID 74), EQT07 (MarketsegmentID 92) and EQT08 (MarketsegmentID 94)

  • Other

    3rd Rollout - DRV03 (MarketsegmentID 72), EQT04 (MarketsegmentID 86) and EQT06 (MarketsegmentID 90)

  • Other

    4th Rollout - DRV05 (MarketsegmentID 76) and DRV06 (MarketsegmentID 78)

  • Other

    5ºth Rollout - EQT01 (MarketsegmentID 80) e EQT03 (MarketsegmentID 84)

  • Go-live

    Available to the market

  • Other

    6th Rollout - EQT02 (MarketsegmentID 82) and EQT05 (MarketsegmentID 88)

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    No catalog changes

  • Main systems

    LiNe - Pre-Trade Risk.

  • Main related functions

    No functions impacted

  • Certification roadmap

    Optional and not available

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact

Material name


Material Type




LINE 5 - Afinidade por nucleo de negociacao - Apresentacao v1 20221213




