New flow will prioritize user experience and optimize trades.
New flow will prioritize user experience and optimize trades.
A cloud-based solution designed for high trading volumes.
High-performance solution for collateral registration and with quick turnaround, thus facilitating large-scale implementation.
Possibility of using API, file and screen to streamline the standardization of the collateral flow according to your company's needs.
The new lien system will centralize and streamline the registration flow, pledging, execution and write-off of liens in the OTC market
The solution will allow trading with high volumes of collateral registration, particularly benefiting digital and retail banks, which use collateral contracts on OTC B3 to provide credit card limits to their customers. Furthermore, the solution will offer greater dynamism and performance to the process, improving user experience and offering the possibility of using the standard contract, a feature that allows using the same contract PDF for multiple collateral types.
Release plan disclosure
Catalog changes
To be defined
Main systems
NoMe, New OTC Lien System (system name to be defined)
Main related functions
No functions impacted
Certification roadmap
In definition
What is the Sinacor version?
No impact