To the “Free of Payment Custody Transfer” function in the NoMe system
To the “Free of Payment Custody Transfer” function in the NoMe system
For custodians to adjust the carrying account
While the trade is pending approval, the acquiring account may be changed in free of payment transfer transactions
The NoMe system guarantees the entire infrastructure for the OTC market, with solutions in financial assets, securities and Non-Centrally Cleared OTC derivatives, securities registration and deposit, valuation of instruments, trading, settlement, liens and encumbrances.
The project brings greater flexibility to market participants requesting free of payment custody transfer in connection with the Securities Transfer System (STVM) custody transfer modernization project.
Available to the market
Catalog changes
No catalog changes
Main systems
Main related functions
Free of Payment Custody Transfer
Certification roadmap
Optional and not available
What is the Sinacor version?
No impact