Attendance in pounds icon

Project Tags:


In Progress


Product benefits


We register product or service trade bills, and validate and monitor commercial invoices.

  • 100% of registration is done through interoperability with other registration institutions in the market, thus preventing duplicate trade bills.
  • Online registration reduces credit risk.
  • Specialist service and support during and after the integration process.
  • Consistency in processing high volumes.
  • Simplified and transparent fee structure:
    • No permanence fees. The fee is charged only upon registration.
    • No minimum fees per registration or minimum monthly invoice.
    • No charges on unicity checks.
    • No charges on trade bill changes.

B3 Trade Bill Registration optimizes processes and includes functionalities for registration of service and product trade bills, besides validation and monitoring of commercial invoices. Starting in the third quarter of 2024, the Trade Bill Registration service will also include the Automatic Reconciliation module via API, which will allow the automation of regulatory reconciliation of registered trade bills, making the whole process more efficient and accurate. Furthermore, the service includes the Automatic Proof of Registration functionality, which allows submission of proof requests and download of information on registered trade bills.

Learn more.

Published by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) in December 2022, Resolution 175 consolidated the rules and regulations for investment funds, marking a major step in the modernization and innovation of the regulatory environment for investment funds in Brazil and better regulating the roles and responsibilities of fund administrators, custodians and managers.

Learn more.


  • End of market tests

    Automatic reconciliation (API): August 2024. This tool will allow the automation of regulatory reconciliation of registered trade bills.

  • End of market tests

    Automatic proof of registration: 3Q24. It will allow submission of proof requests and download of information on registered trade bills. via screen in T+1.

  • End of market tests

    Reporting to the Manager (API): 3Q24. Enables queries of your receivables registration records directly on B3.

  • Go-live

    Available to the market

Technical details

  • Catalog changes

    No catalog changes

  • Main systems

    To be defined

  • Main related functions

    To be defined

  • Certification roadmap

    In definition

  • What is the Sinacor version?

    No impact