swagger: '2.0' info: description: 'Service to be consumed by the B3 Investor Backend provided by the original custodians.' version: '1.0.0' title: 'Authorization' schemes: - https basePath: /api/request-authorizations/v1 host: Caminho_backend tags: - name: Investors paths: /investors: post: tags: - Investors summary: '' operationId: InvestorPost consumes: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: Investor description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AuthorizationInvestorsReqPost' responses: '201': description: Created '400': description: Bad Request '401': description: Unauthorized '404': description: Not Found definitions: Document: type: object properties: documentNumber: type: string maxLength: 23 description: 'Document number' example: '99999999999' documentTypeName: type: string maxLength: 30 description: 'Type name of main beneficiary identification document Domain CNPJ CPF RG IDENTIDADE DE ESTRANGEIRO CARTEIRA NACIONAL HABILITAÇÃO CART. DE ORDENS PROFISSIONAIS CERTIDÃO DE NASCIMENTO PASSAPORTE REGISTRO DE IDENTIDADE CIVIL TÍTULO DE ELEITOR CVM SWIFT/BIC/BEI NFA-ID CÓD. BOVESPA ISPB FEDWIRE CÓDIGO 99 CÓDIGO 88 CÓDIGO 333 CÓDIGO 444 NIRE INSCRIÇÃO ESTADUAL TAX ID UNIQUE TAXPAYER REFERENCE REGISTRO PUBLICO Y GEN DE COM. UNIFIED BUSINESS IDENTIFIER NÚMERO IDENTIFICACIÓN FISCAL NUMERO DI ISCRIZIONE SIREN NUMÉRO DIDENTIFICATION TRADE REGISTER DOCUMENTO NACIONAL IDENTIDAD SISBACEN ISELIC NINST SELIC COMPE SISBEX SIGLA DO OPERADOR CÓDIGO CETIP CÓDIGO PARTICIPANTE BVMF COD. REPRESENTANTE CVM DSS CODIGO DO FUNDO NA CVM NÚM REGISTRO CLUBE DE INVEST CHIPS NIF CART TRABALHO PREVID. SOCIAL IDENT INTERMED GLOBAL (GIN) CÓDIGO LEI' example: 'CPF' required: - documentNumber - documentTypeName Asset: type: object properties: assetCode: type: string maxLength: 14 description: 'Asset code' example: 'PETR4' assetQuantity: type: number description: 'Asset quantity' example: 5000 eventValue: type: number description: 'Value of provisioned events. Size (16,4)' pattern: ^[0-9]{16}.[0-9]{4}$ example: 150.50 DataInvestors: type: object properties: requestTransactionId: type: string maxLength: 36 description: 'Transaction identification field' example: 'B3i-202103010001' transactionTypeCode: type: integer enum: [1] description: 'Transaction type code Domain 1 - STVM' example: 1 investorName: type: string maxLength: 150 description: 'Investor name' example: 'ANDRÉ CHRISTÓFARO' accountNumber: type: string maxLength: 15 description: 'Number that univocally identifies the account of the investor.' example: document: $ref: '#/definitions/Document' transactionDateTime: type: string format: datetime description: 'Date and time that transaction occurred. A string with date and time according to the RFC-3339 specification, always using the UTC timezone (UTC time format).' example: '2021-03-21T14:00:00.001Z' transactionExpirationDateTime: type: string format: datetime description: 'Transaction expiration date and time' example: '2021-03-23T14:00:00.001Z' custodianCode: type: string maxLength: 20 description: 'Custodian identification code.' example: '9999' custodianCodeDestination: type: string maxLength: 20 description: 'Asset portability destination custodian code' example: '0000' assets: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Asset' required: - requestTransactionId - transactionTypeCode - investorName - accountNumber - document - transactionDateTime - transactionExpirationDateTime - custodianCode AuthorizationInvestorsReqPost: type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/DataInvestors'